W - Definitions

  • W

    Windows 10 (Microsoft Windows 10)

    Windows 10 is a Microsoft operating system for personal computers, tablets, embedded devices and internet of things devices.

  • Windows 10 Update Assistant

    Windows 10 Update Assistant is a native update management tool designed to help individual users keep up with OS updates as Microsoft publishes them.

  • Windows 2000

    Windows 2000 is an operating system developed by Microsoft.

  • Windows 7

    Windows 7 is the Microsoft Windows operating system (OS) released commercially in October 2009 as the successor to Windows Vista.

  • Windows as a service

    Windows as a service is the approach Microsoft introduced with Windows 10 to deploy, update and service the operating system.

  • Windows Autopilot

    Windows Autopilot is a desktop provisioning tool native to Windows 10 that allows IT professionals to automate image deployment of new desktops with preset configurations.

  • Windows Defender Application Guard

    Windows Defender Application Guard is a security tool built into Microsoft Edge that isolates browser sessions from the desktop in a virtual machine (VM) to prevent any malicious activity from reaching the desktop.

  • Windows Imaging Format (WIM)

    Windows Imaging Format (WIM) is used for the creation and distribution of disk image files.

  • Windows key (winkey)

    The Windows key (winkey) is a button on a Windows computer keyboard.

  • Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) utility

    The Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) utility is a command-line interface for working with Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), a framework for managing data and operations on a Windows computer.

  • Windows reboot loop

    A reboot loop (or boot loop) occurs when a Windows device unexpectedly restarts at some point during its startup process.

  • Windows Registry Editor (regedit)

    The Windows Registry Editor (regedit) is a graphical tool in the Microsoft Windows operating system (OS) that enables authorized users to view the Windows registry and make changes.

Virtual Desktop